* Q. What if I decide not to continue using your web hosting service after the free 7 days of trial?
* A. After the 7 days of Free Trial if you do not pay the hosting charge the account is suspended for 15 days and then cancelled. You are not liable to pay anything at all in this case.
Please contact us for purchasing any of the Windows Reseller packages listed above.
Our customer care team shall reiew your contact and provide you with further registration information.
Standard Features included in all packages
* Helm Control Panel
* Windows 2003 Server
* Cold Fusion Hosting
* MySQL, MS Access & Excel
* MS ODBC, MS SQL server 2000
* DSN's, Unlimited Databases
* FrontPage Server Extensions
* Detailed Website Stats (AWStats)
* Shared Secure SSL Encryption
* Secured Folders
* Virtual directories
* Web Based File Manager, FTP
* DNS Zone Editor,
* FREE Website Builder
* Host Domains / Sub Domains
* Web-based E-mail, POP3
* Multi Recipient Addresses (MRA)
* Domain / Email, Forwarding / Aliases
* Auto-Responders, Catch All Email
* 99.993% uptime
* Instant Account Activation
* 30 Day Money Back or
* 7 days FREE Trial